The home inspection includes items that, within reason, would normally be used by the homeowner. The inspection would look at the condition and/or function of: Exterior - Roof, walls, foundation, grade, entryways, windows, doors, driveway and walkways, decks, patios, hose faucets, electrical service, overhead wires, vent openings, exhaust stacks and chimneys. Car and truck garages are included. Interior - Structural integrity of ceilings, walls, floors, stairs, foundation, posts and beams. Plumbing fixtures, taps, drains, showers, built-in dishwasher, toilets. Electrical outlets, light switches, built-in lights, electrical panel, GFI functioning. Heating and cooling systems, air exchangers, ceiling and exhaust fans. Windows and doors, screens, attic and /or crawlspace access hatches. A home inspection is non-destructive snapshot of the condition of a structure at the point in time when the inspector visits the site. Many items of a house are not directly visible to an inspector, whether framed within walls or hidden behind the contents of the home. The inspection excludes cosmetic features such as paint finish, paneling, carpet, lawn and trees. An inspection does not entail moving furniture, pictures, carpets, etc. On the exterior of the home, the inspector does not shovel snow, move construction materials, or climb unsafe roofs. An inspector cannot see through walls, or enter unsafe areas. THE INSPECTION PROCESS OF THE BUILDING EXTERIOR IS SIGNIFICANTLY IMPAIRED BY SNOW AND ICE DURING WINTER. You cannot inspect what you cannot see.
If at any point during the inspection process it is perceived that damage might occur to an item or structure, the inspector will go no further, and simply state "Inspection limited" and the reason why. The inspection is performance-based review of the house, and the basis of the subsequent report is a product of that review. The inspection is not a determination of the compliance of plumbing, electrical, and structural elements of the house to the applicable building code.