Contact us by email at Please include your name, phone number, address or location of the property. If you are booking a prepurchase inspection, indicate if the property is being sold privately, or pass along the real estate agent's name if you are using one. Phone or text 807 276-0501. We will get back to you within 12 hours or sooner. The inspection generally takes 2-4 hours depending on the property. The client is welcome to follow around during the inspection and ask questions about the property. A good strategy is to be present for the last 1/2 hour of the inspection, so that the inspector can answer any questions or concerns you may have about the property. Together we can go over the the property, and discuss the items of concern while looking at them. A liability and limitations agreement must be signed by the client or his/her representative, prior to the release of the report. Please indicate if you or your representative will be present at the property at the time of the inspection
Generally the report is composed and e-mailed within 48 hours after the inspection is complete. If necessary, the delivery of the report can be changed to suit the client. Payment is by cash, cheque, or